Energy & Resources

From facilities to pipelines to renewables, we support our energy clients through various stages of project conceptualization to design and implementation.

Our customized services for the energy sector span asset assessments, statutory and non-statutory plan development, land use planning applications, approvals coordination, and comprehensive communications and engagement strategies.

B&A Energy employs a suite of customized planning approaches and solutions to meet the unique needs of energy sector clients. Our leadership in the energy sector is grounded in our knowledge of municipal planning and land development processes across North America. Our team of accredited professionals in project management, land use and development planning, communications, and geographic information systems provides a range of specialized services for energy providers ranging from planning and development approvals to customized land use planning and development monitoring programs.


Supporting energy providers in the implementation of their site planning & development visions through the municipal planning & regulatory approval process.

Capitalizing on the municipal & industry notification process to educate stakeholders on planning in proximity to pipelines & keep operators apprised of changes in proximity to their networks.

System-wide data-driven analysis to identify areas of development intensification to support informed capital planning or the identification of areas for further evaluation or monitoring.

Providing pipeline operators with a simple resource to identify & stay informed about impactful future development in proximity to their pipeline networks.

Providing pipeline operators with comprehensive assessments of existing and future land use conditions to identify potential future changes in class location designation. This approach provides valuable information for proactive operational and capital planning in advance of detailed planning and development occurring.


Whether greenfield or brownfield, large or small scale, our team of planning, design and engagement experts can lead master planning and design initiatives that help our energy clients translate their vision into reality. From innovative design concepts to authentic engagement programs, we have experience developing compelling planning submissions that achieve required approvals and permitting.

The scope of approvals required to support innovative energy projects is increasingly complex, often spanning different jurisdictions with varying application, consultation and engagement requirements. We work collaboratively with interdisciplinary teams to develop integrated and efficient work programs that reduce redundancies and enhance approval and permitting efficiency and coordination.

Our team’s seamless integration of mapping, data collection, data management and analytics supports customized programs and approvals processes for the energy sector, and is a beneficial resource for operational decision making and capital planning.


With more than 30 years of experience, our award-winning team delivers

A customized approach across diverse areas of expertise.