We lead future-focused, implementable and award-winning projects.

Our team of specialists provides a range of private and public sector urban planning services from site-level land use planning to regional planning initiatives. We guide clients through complex and evolving municipal, regional and provincial frameworks to best ensure project alignment.

What makes our planning team unique is that we develop effective strategies to drive projects that are supportable and implementable. We do that by cultivating expert interdisciplinary and collaborative project teams that seek creative solutions to improve the daily lives of those who live, work, and visit the communities and spaces we create.


An early understanding of the complex conditions for a land development, pipeline, or facility project is an important first step when deciding whether or how to start a project. Our team takes a multidisciplinary approach to provide a full understanding of environmental, economic and regulatory requirements on any scale of project.

Cities and regions are becoming more complex by the minute. Our regional planning team helps to align municipal objectives to ensure regional cooperation and mutual benefit.

Our team produces forward-looking growth studies rooted in planning knowledge, in-depth research, and strong data.

Our team of policy planning specialists work at all scales including Intermunicipal Development Plans, Municipal Development Plans, Official Community Plans, Area Structure Plans, Area Redevelopment Plans, and Local Area/Neighbourhood Plans.

Land-use regulations are inherently complex. Our team can help bring clarity to regulatory frameworks and zoning bylaws.

Working across jurisdictions, our team can help ensure projects are supported by sound policy, aligned to the regulatory framework, and achieves municipal, political, and client objectives.

Whether you are considering purchasing a property or have an existing property you are considering building on, our team can help ensure you have the right information about your property to make informed financial decisions.

Aligning policy with development goals requires a strong understanding of the development process. We combine years of experience along with a continued pulse on innovation to ensure the multi-disciplined development strategy is in place from the beginning.

Our team is skilled at creating master plans that are exciting, inclusive, and sustainable.

Our team advances redesignations to ensure the highest potential of land-use is realized.

From new neighbourhoods to consolidations, our team can help navigate the subdivision process.

Our team can help navigate the municipal permitting process to ensure no time is wasted and developments are supportable.

Our team can help manage the application process and technical aspects of road closures from start to finish.

No matter the project, our team recognizes that transparent and authentic communications and engagement is critical to guide strategy development, achieve approvals, and gain social license for ongoing operations. We develop and implements customized communications and engagement initiatives suited to the location, scale and history of each project.

Understanding the local political environment and the factors that influence decisions is one of the key differentiators we offer. Working daily within political environments provides a knowledge base to help guide projects through the approval process.

We represent client and project interests spanning municipal councils, planning commissions and subdivision and development appeal boards on a regular basis. Beyond local approval and appeal authorities we have experience providing evidence and expert witness testimony at the Government of Alberta Land and Property Rights Tribunal, Alberta Utilities Commission, and the Court of Queens Bench.

Navigating the world of policy and land-use planning can be challenging. Our dedicated team of planning specialists can help create clear paths forward.

We always start with the end in mind. We provide ongoing project management to ensure our integrated team delivers on time and on budget.


We find success through effective project management and sound planning principles.

Led by many of B&A's Partners, our Planning team offers a range of services and insight. Our adaptability is a key aspect of our success and allows our team of industry-leading experts to find the right solutions for the projects and communities we are involved in. Our team often provides leadership not only to our clients but through the development and management of customized teams of sub-consultants and subject matter experts.

Experienced leadership is key to project success.

At B&A, we're passionate about community building and providing best-in-class service to our clients. Our Planning team is led by some of the industry's best and most respected professionals.



As B&A's managing partner, Kathy not only manages the overall firm and growth of our team, she also leads planning and development projects throughout the Calgary Region and Alberta. With experience in urban planning, subdivision, and sustainable community design, Kathy is well versed in all facets of planning.


Managing Partner

Pam brings a combined skillset, education and technical background to B&A, offering an integrated understanding of development to her projects. Pam's main area of focus is project coordination processes for community scaled Area Structure Plans, Neighbourhood Plans, Outline Plans and Land Use Redesignation applications throughout the Calgary Region.



Ken is a versatile land use planner with over 25 years’ experience working in urban and rural municipalities across Alberta. He’s an award-winning “regional thinker” with a strategic lens focused on achieving triple bottom line outcomes for his municipal and developer clients. He has successfully managed a wide variety of statutory and non-statutory planning processes for residential, recreational, commercial, office and industrial development opportunities for municipalities across Alberta.



Nathan is an adaptive and innovative planner with over 20 years' experience working across multiple industry sectors to devise project strategy and customized planning solutions. Informed by international, public and private sector experience, Nathan’s core expertise focuses on advisory services, asset management initiatives, strategic planning endeavors, urban and rural development planning, customized program development and specialized planning investigations, with a strategic focus on energy projects.



As B&A's Edmonton office lead, Brian's extensive experience has included downtown and mature area policy and land use planning, transit-oriented development, commercial and industrial planning, master planning, and community engagement. In addition to his expertise ranging from minor land-use amendments to highly complex infill projects, Brian leads comprehensive strategic planning, and shaping community dialogue around vibrant, livable communities.


B.Mgt, M.Pl., RPP, MCIP

With over ten years of experience, Chris has a proven track record of successfully delivering complex planning projects across Canada. He has developed his in-depth planning knowledge while working on diverse and complex projects ranging from transit-oriented redevelopment, to growth management and employment land planning, and outline/neighbourhood plan development.



Steve is an innovative leader with over fifteen years in brand building and business development. He excels at driving growth and fostering authentic connections, while ensuring B&A surpasses client and community expectations. With an MBA, a marketing degree, and a design diploma, Steve's comprehensive knowledge and understanding bolster objectives and strategies for B&A, our clients, and the communities we serve.


We are proud to provide

Comprehensive services to ensure the best outcome.

Our Planning Studio develops effective strategies to drive forward projects that are supportable, implementable, and award-winning.

Our Design Studio is founded on functional, sustainable, modern urban design that creates memorable and functional places and spaces.

Our Engagement Studio focuses on the design and implementation of accessible and transparent engagement strategies that help broaden project understanding.

We understand the importance of sustainability and the environment as a critical aspect of modern design.

Our team of technical experts uses data, tools, and compelling visuals to strengthen project materials.

We collaborate with clients to develop strategies and communications tools and techniques to connect with audiences.

We offer comprehensive support by analysing growth strategy trends  and how policy impacts our clients and communities.