West Okotoks Area Structure Plan
Location | Okotoks, AB |
Type | Area Structure Plan |
Client | Tristar Communities Inc & NewNorth Projects Ltd. |
West Okotoks Area Structure Plan (ASP)
The West Okotoks Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a statutory plan approved by the Town of Okotoks in April 2020. The development of the ASP spanned a three-year period and provides a comprehensive land use, transportation and servicing framework to guide the future development of approximately 1,056 acres of land. At full build out, the ASP area is anticipated to accommodate a future population of 25,000 people and approximately 2,500 jobs. The development of the ASP area is anticipated to take place over approximately 60 years. This project has led to subsequent Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan work for the area.
The West Okotoks ASP area will form a complete community comprised of a number of neighbourhoods, a range of housing types and forms, a significant and interconnected open space network and commercial hubs that meet the needs of existing and future residents. The West Okotoks ASP includes an extensive pathway network connecting residents to new and significant open spaces, public parks, schools, and commercial amenities. The West Okotoks ASP includes the protection of a large central wetland with recreational multi-use pathways and interpretive features. The wetland will become a significant asset and amenity for residents of the area.
A thorough communications and engagement strategy was required for this complex project which B&A developed, led and implemented over three years. The approach involved numerous small stakeholder meetings, two large public outreach events, and engagement with neighboring landowners supported by regular stakeholder newsletters, engagement summaries, and ongoing website updates.