Village of Canal Flats
Location | Canal Flats, BC |
Type | Municipal Planning, Communications & Engagement |
Client | Village of Canal Flats |
Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw
The Village of Canal Flats is uniquely located in a beautiful natural setting of lakes, rivers, and mountains and is home to just under 700 people. In 2015, the Canfor sawmill, Canal Flats’ primary source of employment for nearly 100 years – closed its doors and left a large hole in the economic heart and the physical landscape of the Village. In response, the Village has forged ahead into this period of change with an air of optimism grounded in solid land use and economic planning. With ambitious plans for a new rebirth and transformation, B&A began assisting the Village of Canal Flats in drafting a new Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw in 2018.
The process involved extensive public engagement, including interactive workshops, a youth engagement at a local school, a community walk, and an advisory committee. The draft documents express an exciting new vision for the Village that opens up the possibilities for a mixed-use downtown, encourages home-based businesses and accessory dwelling units and removes unnecessary regulation. The draft OCP and Zoning Bylaw work towards the Village’s goals of increasing the population, growing the local economy and being a place where people can reconnect with nature and each other. The Village of Canal Flats Official Community Plan received approval in June 2019.